Psychanalyse et idéologie

Psi . le temps du non

Micheline Weinstein • Give a dog a Bad Name and Hang Him


Il est plus facile d’élever un temple que d’y faire descendre l’objet du culte
Samuel Beckett • « L’Innommable »
Cité en exergue au « Jargon de l’authenticité » par T. W. Adorno • 1964


Personne n’a le droit de rester silencieux s’il sait que quelque chose de mal se fait quelque part. Ni le sexe ou l’âge, ni la religion ou le parti politique ne peuvent être une excuse.

Bertha Pappenheim

© Micheline Weinstein / 25.12. 2006

Give a Dog a Bad Name and Hang Him

Quand on veut faire piquer son chien, on dit qu’il a la rage


In response to a flow of abuses, forwarded here, with copies and signatures
Those abuses, specifically addressed, i.e. addressed to my name, in the name of my father dash together with my mother, concern in fact the following persons :
• J.G., who wishes not to be named in the present text, a psychoanalyst who referred me to Françoise Dolto when I was but a little girl, in cause, it would seem, of one Q. I. except standards, upward ;
• Françoise Dolto, psychoanalyst ;
• François Perrier, psychoanalyst, in the XXth century, who is one of the best clinical psychoanalyst and theorist that France has [under]estimated, author, poet ;
• Solange Faladé, my analyst ;
• each one of the members of the association I founded
• my students ;
• my friends of all horizons ;
• all the heirs of the deportation.
I do not feel endowed with any mission by my curriculum, I feel that I simply settle my debt towards psychoanalysis, which is Freud’s masterpiece, and whose refering analysts that respect the inalienable price of speech and whom I quoted above are in fact Freud’s messengers in France, where I was born.
I do not embody anything, as I am used to answering to myself when I wonder what I resemble, especially in time which passes, from the perspective of looks, language, of my history and I must make with it. I have always been writing, I express what I think, I say of what I think, in my lifetime.
Concerning “fashion”, that spreads the gossip around, increasingly, that Freud is not “in” anymore since a long time, nor the fundamental concept of neurosis, in which does it come to get involved when it is about sciences ?
Here is a possible answer to that question. How did Freud define the concept of Ideology on the basis of its brief evolution ?
For philosophy, arts, literature, and humanities... Weltanschauung is mostly translated as conception of the world, worldview.
For marxism, the concept of Weltanschauung is translated as Ideology ;

Weltanschauung, I am afraid, is a specifically German concept, which seems to be difficult to translate into other languages. If I may venture a definition, you will probably find it clumsy. Here is my point of view : I think that Weltanschauung is an intellectual construction that solves all the problems of our existence [Dasein] in order to make them coherent, on the basis of an hypothesis perfectly organized and thought, according to which no question could be left open, as long as one grants a definite place to what each individual is interested in.

Postscript • As for the germanists and the non-anti-semitic germanophils, let us remind that Wein, in German, Vayn, in Ydish, is a contracted form of the verb Weinen, to cry. All the Jewish babies of Germany, Mitteleuropa, until the borders of Eastern Europe, have heard their mother’s despairs in the source language, between two lullabies, since a long time well before they could even have access to the language : Oï Vay, Oï vay, Ô pain, Ô pain... Yet, to soften this immense pain, and on the father’s side, it is possible also as, via the Gothic writing and the oral transmission through wandering, W[V]ein, W[V]ayn, W[V]ajn, W[V]ajzn... could be an antisemitic distortion of Fein, Subtle...

Happy New Year 2007

ψ  [Psi] • LE TEMPS DU NON
cela ne va pas sans dire
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